Mar 3, 2020
Making an impressive and professional vlog requires lots of effort and a strong attention to details. But sometimes, even small changes, like a smart clock added to the desk setup, can change the whole look of the vlog. Hey, I’m Peter and I am a… Read more
Mar 3, 2020
Sometimes, even the most organized people make mistakes and fail to do tasks on time. That’s why it’s important to keep track of days with the help of reliable smart devices. I’ve been working in the video production industry for the last 4 years… Read more
Mar 3, 2020
Tracking news daily can be very time consuming. Especially when you’re used to tracking news at the start of working day, when there are lots of other things to do.  My name is Nick and I’d like to share my experience of using LaMetric with you. I… Read more
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